
Sunday, December 26, 2010

Procrastination w/ Demotivation Part II: Keeping it Under Control

Hello there Nerds! Gabbi-Sama is back with Part Ni (2) of my last post about procrastination. I saw a comment posted and Mr/Ms anonymous does have points that are notable and should be considered. Therefore, I decided to post the definitions and give a slight synopsis of my viewpoint of the matter.

According to Wiki, the definition of  procrastination is:: “Counterproductive deferment of action to a later time, especially out of habitual carelessness or laziness.”
While the definition of motivation is:: “The activation or energization of goal-oriented behavior.”

According to Anonymous, procrastination and motivation aren't really related because the "procrastinators" who still get A's aren't really procrastinating, they just need a due date that will help to solidify their thoughts. However, if you take close note, the only way procrastinators, or people who are just waiting to get their thoughts together, get what they need to get done actually accomplished is if they have the pressure to do it, such as a due date. If there is no due date, a lack of motivation manifests since the pressure point (such as a due date) IS the motivation. Therefore, there IS a link between the two in some type of way. When it comes to things that don’t really have due dates, like creativity, cleaning, and other things of that sort it is a little more difficult to break out of the procrastinating habit. So I have come up with a list of things that can be done not to actually cure procrastination but to at least put it in its place.

Keeping the Motivation UP and the Procrastination DOWN
1) “Begin with the End in mind”
This was a big quote that I learned from an online Photoshop class. If you work while constantly reminding yourself of how the idea of ending product, you will be able to keep working in that direction and be motivated to finish!

2) Divide and Conquer
If the task at hand is huge or intimidating, breaking it up into sections can help out dramatically! It’s easier to procrastinate things that will take a long time, but if you divide it into things that won’t take so long there won’t be good enough reasons to procrastinate.
This also makes way for the next topic…

3) Make mini due dates
Since due dates and importance seems to be the “solidifying” factor in when procrastination is finally put aside, making mini due dates which correspond to the pieces of the task at hand can help you to make progress. So put a date on it!

4) Use Motivational Aids
There are many ways to keep the motivation up while completing a task. Music for one thing is a great way to keep up the creative and motivation mojo! Another good aid to use would be posters and examples of the task. I look on deviant art every day to try and inspire myself to draw, and I also have a few posters hanging here and there to try and help me out when I feel like I have no motivation to do things. Finally, you always have friends and fam! People are probably one of the best ways to get motivation. Get someone close to remind you about something you should be doing or to give you encouragement when you feel like you need some.

These tips should hopefully help us procrastinating Nerds out a little with our fatal flaw and help us gain more motivation to do things WITHOUT having to have a real due date! Feel free to comment with more tips or opinions!

Friday, December 24, 2010

The Black Keys & Big Boi Mash-up!: The Brothers of Chico Dusty

DJ Wick-it (aka Wick-It The Instigator) comes through with a new mash-up! Mixing music from rock duo, The Black Keys’ latest album “Brothers” with Big Boi’s (1/2 of the hip hop group Outkast) “Sir Lucious Left Foot: The Son of Chico Dusty” album together to make the “The Brothers of Chico Dusty”. It’s similar to Danger Mouse’s Jay-Z & Beatles mash-up, “The Grey Album”, so it’s worth giving a listen to (Plus, its free!!!).  Just go here

PS: Personally, I’m a fan of both The Black Keys’ “Brothers” and Big Boi’s “Sir Lucious Left Foot” album so I had to check this out for myself. If you didn’t hear neither of those albums either, their also worth checking out.

  1. You Ain’t the Next DJ (“Next Girl” & “You Ain’t No DJ”)
  2. Afraid of the General (“Too Afraid to Love You” & “General Patton”)
  3. Everlasting Shine Blockaz (“Everlasting Light” & “Shine Blockaz”)
  4. The Only Fat Sax (“The Only One” & “Daddy Fat Sax”)
  5. Black Bug (“Tighten Up” & “Shutterbug”)
  6. Follow The One (“I’m Not the One” & “Follow Us”)
  7. Go Get Tangerine (“The Go Getter” & “Tangerine”)
  8. Backup Pistol (“Ten Cent Pistol” & “Back Up Plan”)

Monday, December 13, 2010

NERD Inc.'s Official Logo

Girls Decisions in Relationship are why Nice Guys Finish Last

Throughout life a lot of people say Nice Guys Finish Last. Well, I'm here to tell you Nice Guys Always finish last when it comes to females. That statement never fails when it comes to females. At times, you get frustrated because us nice guys we try to get to know girls instead of just trying to have sexual relations. You think that would work in our favor but it doesn't. Yes, this happens to me a lot considering I am a virgin but I thought about this careful about why this happens to nice guys, and why girls always choose the wrong guy instead of the nice guy, so lets go into why I think they do.

1.) Girls, don't go for the good guys because they feel like they will still be around. Poor Choice #1:

Most girls, I have made an encounter with just don't like nice guys. Why? That beats me. I think some girls think like let me have my fun now, with all these guys that have this and that but doesn't particularly treat her the best and when I'm ready I'll settle down with him. Why? Because I feel like if a girl knows you really like them they will do just enough to keep you around and not leave her. Basically, it's like the girl will want to come to you on their terms. Also, sometimes us nice guys feel like when we do get her we have to be damn near perfect for her to stay wit us otherwise she will leave.
2.) Insanity:

Albert Einstein once said "If You Keep Doing something over and over and expect a different result is Insanity." 

When it comes to relationships some girls are just insane. When a girl is in love they will try anything and everything to make a relationship. Trust me I know, a lot of girls who have got abused physically, emotionally, and mentally but decided not to leave. For two reasons they feel like he can change or they are scared to leave. Some girls even know they guy is cheating will stay with him. Some girls feel like they can change a guy and for the most part they cant. A relationship needs to be 50/50 not 60/40 or 70/30. What baffles me is why girls, just keep on staying in abusive relationships then when the right guy comes along they don't give him the fair shot he deserves because of what their ex's did to them in their past. As much as girls would like tot think all guys are no good and they're all the same it's not even remotely close to being true.  Which leads me to my next point, Nice Guys have to pick up the pieces.

3.) Nice Guys Always Pick Up The Pieces:

Nice Guys, always pick up the pieces when it comes to most girls. Let's be honest almost every girl has been in a real BAD relationship and that makes it harder for the next guy to come along who actually gives a damn. Girls, get lied too and cheated on constantly and let's be honest I get why they would think all guys are the same. But, we aren't and normally when girls get out of a bad relationship normally there's a good chance that the nice guy is the next guy to come in line. That leaves us in the tough spot to fix her heart and make her trust again. I don't know about you but, building trust with a girl is almost a hard thing to accomplish. You definitely have to have patience to go through that process. A Nice Guy can only try so hard but, if a girl who keeps questioning you about where you been or who you're talking too and you haven't even done anything to make her suspicious can take it's toll. Which leads right into my last point Trust Issues when it comes to girls, and nobody not being friends first anymore.

4.) Trust Issues

Girls tend to do a real good job when it comes too now being able to trust a guy after one guy treats them wrong. They have a tendency to believe all guys are up to no good. Which I don't think is fair but most of the girls in this generation treat them this way because so many guys treat them wrong. If you can get a girl with trust issues to completely and I mean COMPLETELY trust you then you have done a great job. Only the strong couples have complete trust in each other nowadays. I say this because nowadays a girl with major trust issues may trust you to a certain extent. In the back of their mind though, they are waiting for that one day you slip up so they can say see I told you all of them are the same, just up to no good. Some of their trust issues are also the girls fault. When, you decide to go with a thug instead of a nice guy, or you go with the guy who isn't doing anything with this life over a guy who is or a guy who is getting his education at the college level to try to better himself, baffles me. It falls back under the Insanity section. Trust is so hard to gain but so easy to lose with a snap of a finger. I understand why girls have trust issues but you can't let one or in some cases a few bad relationship(s) change your outlook on guys because a girl will never find the right one. At least thats what I think no guy wants a girl who will always have trust issues, at some point you have to be comfortable in your skin. Guys are willing to work with you with trust issues but constantly getting accused of stuff you didn't do is going to get old and he will leave you point. blank. period.

5.) Rushing into Things

For the most part in this generation guys and girls do things backwards. Our Generation doesn't really take the time to get to know the person that are dating. When it comes to relationships you have to treat it like you're going for a job interview. You have to look at their qualifications and see if they fit the criteria that you're looking for. I would say two months is a sufficient amount of time to figure out if he/she is suitable for you. Nowadays though it's just more like oh hey you're cute you wanna have sex? There should be no way a guy should have sex with a girl he met on the first night. The way I look at is you have to the girls heart before you have sex and get into the intimate part of the relationship because if you do it backwards you are never giving the relationship the proper chance to thrive. People, normally start off as "Fuck Buddies" then decide they want to get into a relationship. That's the wrong way to go about it. If you really think about people's relationships who really work out will tell you that the two people involved in a relationship have to be friends first. When you ask people what is they key to a successful relationship they will tell you trust, honesty, and that you have to be friends first. A good amount of them will probably tell you their counterpart is their best friend. Some girls, also might not be ready for a relationship but, fearing they might lose the guy might rush into it and that doesn't give the relationship a good start. You need a solid foundation in order for a relationship to work successfully. One last thing I want to say to the ladies if he loves you he will wait when it comes to sex for sure, and also if you tell him I really like you but I'm not ready for a relationship because I have some things I need to work I'm positive that if he really wants to be with you he will WAIT. 

With that being said Goodnight I hope you enjoyed this blog because Yup, Yup, I am a Nice Guy, so ladies start giving a Nice Guy a try. Might be the best decision in your life.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Procrastination with Demotivation: The Nerd's Fatal Flaw

You are sitting in front of a blank page.
Pencil/Pen in hand.
Ideas bursting out of the woodworks.
And then when you try to put something on the page, nothing comes.
And the next thought that passes the mind winds up being:
"I'm not feeling this... maybe I'll do this tomorrow."

That right there is the beginning of the end.

Procrastination is something that a vast majority of us smart-ass Nerds have a problem dealing with. This is a gift and a curse and can affect us even outside of school.
Knowing that we can do things (maybe even BS things) right before they need to be done sets a hard to break pattern for the rest of the things in our lives. For example, our being able to write a paper 3 hours before it's due and still getting an A on it can actually hinder our motivation to do things that we want to do such as writing blogs like these.
This bad habit can be quite self-debilitating if one lets this get out of control. How are we supposed to spread our Nerd knowledge and such when we can barely get ourselves to do things before the day it's due? How are we going to spread our talents, such as writing, drawing, and creativity with a topping of our intelligence if we lack the motivation to?

But this is just my own observation.

All I know is that this lack of motivation is something that seems to be somewhat linked to procrastination and there needs to be some type of balance to keep both of these things under control. What do you all think? The next article I write will be a list of ways to keep the procrastination down and lift the motivation up. Suggestions are very welcome and will be put in the list!

Friday, October 1, 2010

My Open Letter to Everyone

Open Letter to Everyone:

The deaths of Tyler Clementi, 18, Asher Brown, 13, Seth Walsh, 13 and Billy Lucas, 15 weighed heavily on my heart this morning. I could not stop thinking about these four LGBT teenage boys who committed suicide after continuously bullying in their communities. Often, these kids are having a tough time fitting in even their own families. These LGBT teens are the target of anti-gay slurs, harassment and bullying for years. They often deal with alone. They have no one or few people to lean on. Your teenage years are hard enough without adding being gay in the mix. I went through these same emotions. I had suicidal thoughts. I thought the world would be better without me.

High school was hell emotionally. I played the tough role. I was not out and proud. It wasn’t like you couldn’t guess. I was the stereotypical tomboy girl. I played basketball. I wore baggy clothes. Boys were my friends not my boyfriends. I tried to be invisible sometimes. It was easier to not talk about it. My senior year a classmate called me to ask if I was gay. I told her I didn’t know. The next day my worst nightmare came true as the whispers began. There were many days that I went home and cried because I couldn’t be myself. The inner turmoil created some of the most poignant poems I’ve ever written

Yes, I am a proud lesbian. I am who I am without reservations. I am loved and respected for being me. When I learned to accept me as I am, I met the friends who accepted and loved just the way I was. It took time. I gave myself time to get comfortable with me. It was a long time coming and at 34 I still have those days when I am not. We all do.

After reading about these LGBT suicides I know I have to do something. I’ve never been the LGBT/rainbow card carrier, but I need to step up for these kids who haven’t reached their own comfort level. Everyone needs to get involved, gay, straight and everyone in between. This is a chance for us to show our kids that we are there for them.

That is why NERD, Inc will create a program LGBT: Let’s Get Better Together for tolerance and mentoring for the youth starting in New Orleans. I want to do what I can for these kids. I don’t want the lives (and deaths) of Tyler Clementi, Asher Brown, Seth Walsh and Billy Lucas to be in vain. Let’s Get Better Together will show these kids that the world needs their talents and humanity.

NERD, Inc is here to show that “Outcasts are the New ‘In’ Crowd.

With love,

Anisa TheNerd Parks

Sunday, September 26, 2010

A Small Introduction

 Hello and welcome to my blog, entitled "The Anti-Cool: The Official Blog for NERD, Inc".

This is just a brief intro but if you already read my profile you would know that I'm A.J. "The Anti-Cool" Williams, and I'm apart of the new revolution called NERD, Incorporated which was started by my older sister, some friends and myself.  This is a blog for NERDs, covering pretty much everything! Music, lifestyle, movies, fashion & style, entertainment, education, even ranting about random stuff and etc. So I will be writing blogs for everyone to read and hopefully enjoy on a weekly to monthly basis (depending on how popular this blog gets).

So please follow this blog and let's get this thing started....

BTW! follow me on twitter,

ALSO, please support the new movement follow NERD Incorporated on twitter,
and our official facebook page should be up before the end of this week.
And logo will be made soon.